Friday, May 29, 2009

Q: Are You High Maintenance?

You Are Medium Maintenance

Like everyone else, you have some things you are particular about.

You're not too annoying about it, and you're able to go with the flow most of the time.

You've learned to stand your ground on what matters but also make compromises from time to time.

You have good taste. Too bad not everyone shares it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Q: The Watercolor Test

You Are Highly Expressive

You are dramatic, expressive, and even a bit temperamental.

You are artistic and creative. You're always dabbling in something.

You are very self-aware and introspective. You understand yourself well.

You are on a constant journey in life, and you change frequently. You're a shapeshifter of sorts.

Q: Are You Thin Skinned or Thick Skinned?

You Are Thin-Skinned

You are very sensitive, and quite often, too sensitive.

You tend to take everything personally, and your feelings are often hurt.

While it's good to be sensitive, your thin-skin is making it hard for you to cope.

You need help developing a thicker skin. Life is much better when you're not constantly feeling down.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Q: How Spiritual Are You?

You Are Super Spiritual

You are in touch with the world around you, and you find peace in connecting with others.

You believe that every life is special and that every life has a purpose.

You value harmony and understanding. You try not to judge, bicker, and fight.

As simple as it sounds, you truly think it's important to make the world a better place.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Q: What Bathroom Product Are You?

You Are Toothpaste

You are very responsible. You life an orderly, organized life.

You prefer to be as clean and neat as possible. You are a bit of a clean freak.

You are attractive, charming, and even sparkling. People find you appealing.

You are honest, direct, and even a bit sharp tongued. You don't try to complicate life.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Q: The Stripping Down Test

You Are Observant in Life

You are serious and stable. You are a bit of a perfectionist, and you like structure.

You are the happiest when you are planning and dreaming. You like to live in the future.

You are sensitive and considerate. You are always putting other people's needs before your own.

You have found what you want in life and are quite content. You know a lot about yourself.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Q: What Element Were You Born Into?

You Were Born into the Metal Element

You are an energetic, active person who values ambition. You think success is important.

You are very unique and competent. You know how to live a good life, without following anyone else's rules.

You have to watch out for anxiety. Sometimes you find it hard to let go and relax.

You are stubborn and persistent. You won't give up out of principle, even if it's the right thing to do.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Q: Are You an Exhibitionist?

You Are An Exhibitionist

You believe that you're too great to have anything to be modest about.

You've got the goods, and you might as well show them off.

You love glory and attention. You'll do just about anything to get noticed.

You believe that all eyes should be on you. And you'll fight anyone for the spotlight!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Q: What Taste Are You?

You Are Bitter

You aren't bitter at the world, even though you have a strong personality.

Instead, you are sophisticated and cultured. You appreciate acquired tastes.

You are very powerful. You have the ability to change a room's energy.

While some may find you disagreeable, your points of view are intelligent and interesting.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Q: Are You Rain or Snow?

You Are Rain

You are dark and dramatic. You tend to be a bit over the top.

You have strong emotions and they can change quickly. You are tempestuous.

You are wild and unpredictable. You tend to overwhelm and surprise people.

While you are aggressive, you are also a homebody. You don't really care for physical activities.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Q: Could You Cheat on Someone?

You Could Cheat on Someone...

You may not want to admit it, but you have it in you to cheat.

You agree that cheating is bad, but you also think it's somewhat forgivable.

You're more on the fence with this than you think, and you could cheat if tempted enough.

Stay away from temptation for now. And figure out what may really be driving you to stray.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

«Corrente de Pensamento»

Folheando o livro com mãos mortiças, duas ou três de cada vez, os seus olhos fixaram a poltrona marron detalhada com floreados orientais. Fernanda ficou imóvel com uma página por entre os dedos pálidos e finos. Não pestanejou sequer. O castanho, quase preto, por detrás de lascivas pestanas pousou sobre o seu consorte. A pele que outrora lhe parecia de um bonito tom para um homem da sua nobreza era agora demasiado escura, queimada pelas suas inúmeras viagens a Brasil e a ilhas por descobrir. As linhas e rugas nos cantos dos olhos e que marcavam a sua testa demasiado estreita lhe tinham parecido adoráveis, sinais de um homem maduro e atraente, faziam-no agora demasiado velho, cansado, a cair aos bocados.
Posou o romance que lhe tinha despertado a mais devida atenção antes de Castro entrar na sala. A presença de Castro perturbava-lhe a leitura e o sossego; já não a fazia palpitar de paixão, e Fernanda realizou que ele agora era ‘Castro’ para ela, já há muito esquecido o seu querido ‘Mário’, alto e forte, com uma robustez nos seus ombros e braços que a faziam pecar na sua mente com o desejo de ser agarrada e estragada por ele.
Foi há um mês atrás que começou a reparar nos pequenos detalhes, actualmente muito importantes, que lhe saltaram durante anos e anos de casamento. Fernanda remexeu os vestidos por baixo de si, ajeitando a sua posição no clássico chaise longue. Desde aquela noite em que ela lhe sussurrou carinhosamente ao ouvido que o queria conhecer melhor, até ao mais ínfimo e insignificante pormenor, ela o continuava a arrepender. O homem ideal desmoronou-se perante os seus olhos, e por detrás dele revelou-se a besta imunda, escura, nojenta e flácida que estava agora sentada à sua frente. A memória dos seus grunhidos moribundos e o odor acre da sua transpiração trazia chuva num dia límpido e quente. Onde deveria estar vigor masculino estava gordura excessiva das jantaradas de leitões, perdizes, frango, e abuso do pão de manteiga pela manhã.
Fernanda inevitavelmente suspirou o mais breve possível. Quando Castro estava com ela o ar parecia perder qualidade. O nojo físico que sentia por ele estava a torná-la paranóica, suspeitava ela. Encolheu as suas pernas para si com o medo de ele as tocar com as suas.
Ela queria ir longe, fugir. Ignoraria o seu estado de casada, começaria uma vida nova numa casa mais pequena e mais quente, não tão enorme e fria como esta em que passava noites no outro lado da cama com medo do seu silêncio.
Os cantos dos seus delicados lábios se ergueram. Viria a encontrar um homem, alto, forte, jovem, viril e másculo como no romance que jazia na pequena mesa ao seu lado. Ele seria reservado, teria uma aura misteriosa que o rodeava de encanto e charme, tratá-la-ia com delicadeza em público e na sua privacidade viria a enche-la de paixão.
Fernanda levantou o seu livro. Por enquanto, só sonhar.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Q: What Room of the House Are You?

You Are the Bathroom

Overall, you are a healthy person. You enjoy taking care of yourself.

You are also quite attractive. Looking your best makes you feel your best.

You are conscientious and detailed oriented. You stay on top of things.

You are very honest and open. Privacy is not something you need a lot of.