You Are 60% Weird |
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right? But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! |
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Q: How weird are you?
Tarde de Verão
Ao calor, muitos se entregam.
Não sou excepção.
Abro os olhos - grande é o esforço.
Pisca-pisca, o branco do tecto incomoda-me.
"Tenho de virar o pescoço",
o pensamento já me cansa.
A mão escorrega fora do colchão
que tanto conforto me fornece.
Entro em contacto com a mobília;
optei por procurar com o tacto.
A mão sonolenta e desajeitada derruba algo da mesa-de-cabeceira.
Um grunhido meu desafia o barulho a parar.
Parou. Os olhos fecham.
Finalmente, algo plastificado e familiar.
A mão envolve-a firmemente;
Um sentimento de vitória.
Viro o pescoço, não tenho opção,
e bebo 3 goles. Pouso-a
de novo no seu lugar.
Até água requer esforço...
A mão volta ao seu sítio, debaixo do cobertor,
e adormeço imediatamente. O casulo quente encobre-me.
Ao calor, muitos se entregam
e não sou excepção.
Não sou excepção.
Abro os olhos - grande é o esforço.
Pisca-pisca, o branco do tecto incomoda-me.
"Tenho de virar o pescoço",
o pensamento já me cansa.
A mão escorrega fora do colchão
que tanto conforto me fornece.
Entro em contacto com a mobília;
optei por procurar com o tacto.
A mão sonolenta e desajeitada derruba algo da mesa-de-cabeceira.
Um grunhido meu desafia o barulho a parar.
Parou. Os olhos fecham.
Finalmente, algo plastificado e familiar.
A mão envolve-a firmemente;
Um sentimento de vitória.
Viro o pescoço, não tenho opção,
e bebo 3 goles. Pouso-a
de novo no seu lugar.
Até água requer esforço...
A mão volta ao seu sítio, debaixo do cobertor,
e adormeço imediatamente. O casulo quente encobre-me.
Ao calor, muitos se entregam
e não sou excepção.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Q: What do your feet say about you?
What Your Feet Say About You: |
You are pretty average in your expressiveness. You can express yourself well, but you don't always want to. You are a somewhat passionate person. A few things get you very fired up, but you're usually pretty laid back. You are an assertive person at times. You'll pull out all the stops to get what you want, if it's worth it. You take a while to fall in love, but once you do, you stay pretty attached to your partner. You are not easily frightened, but you have a few strong phobias. You are intellectual and philosophical. You are more concerned with thoughts than action. You are a fairly hard worker, but you are also a little spoiled. You like indulge yourself every now and then. You are easily influenced by other people. You're quite impressionable, so you should only be around people who are a good influence. |
Q: Where should you live?
You Should Live in a Small City |
You are definitely an urban person, but not any old city will do. You want a city that matches you well. For you, big cities lack individuality. You prefer a smaller city with lots of personality, local culture, and history. |
Q: The city walk Personality test
What Your City Walk Means |
You are unique and philosophical. You have your own way of living life, and you relish your independence. You are quite introverted and maybe even a little shy. You prefer to interact one on one with people. Money is very important to you. You like to have lots of nice things... and you don't care if you're being greedy. You enjoy the world around you, and you thrive on new environments. You can be easily surrounded by natural or man made beauty. |
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Q: How do you live your life?
How You Live Your Life |
You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is. You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think. You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences. You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it. |
Q: Howw addicted to blogthings are you?
You Are 53% Addicted to Blogthings |
You're a Blogthings fiend - addicted but not totally dependent. So what if you know your personality type by heart? And while you may feel like Blogthings is crack... There are people much worse off than you! |
Q: What's your name's hidden meaning?
What Carmen Means |
You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
Q: What type of fruit are you?
You Are a Banana |
You are mellow, easy going, and a total softie on the inside. People find it really easy to get along with you. You suit most tastes. And while you're very sweet, you're not boring or ordinary. You have an attraction to the exotic, and you could show up anywhere... doing almost anything! You are spirited, energetic, and a total kick to be around. You're also quite funny. Your sense of humor is on the goofy side, and it fits you well. |
Q: What flavour gum are you?
You Are Fruit Flavored Gum |
You are quirky and independent. You don't tend to follow any one style or rule book. You are a mix and match type of person, and you draw inspiration from many sources. While you're definitely a bit unusual, you get along well with other people. You're eager to welcome anyone into your world. You are not judgmental at all. You form close bonds with your friends, and your relationships tend to be very secure. You hold firm to your beliefs and values, and you don't let anyone talk you into compromising them. |
Q: The front door test
What Your Front Door Says |
You are social, giving, and very community oriented. You like to feel like you're making a difference in the world. Friendly and optimistic, you are a very welcoming person. You like to bring people together. You are the perfect host. |
Q: The personality test at 35.000 feet
Your Personality at 35,000 Says... |
Deep down, you prefer spending time alone to spending time with others. You enjoy thinking more than talking. You are good with your place in the world. You are confident and comfortable with who you are. Your gift is having a good eye. You take amazing picture and have the natural talent for most visual arts. You are inspired by what is possible. Real life is often too ordinary for you. You are happy but often stressed out. If you can slow down and appreciate life, you enjoy it a lot more. |
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Q: What does your handwriting say about you?
my handwriting personality is... sensitive scripter Your handwriting reveals you as a thoughtful, intellectual type who avoids fake people and places where there's lots of noise and crowds. You're probably the one people go to when they're feeling super sad. Read more... What does your handwriting reveal about you? | |||
Q: What falvour margarita are you?
You Are a Blueberry Margarita |
Honestly, there's no one quite like you. And believe it or not, most people think that's a bad thing! You're open, wild, friendly, wacky, and tons of fun. You have a big personality... and a big heart. |
Q: What's your inner color?
Your Inner Color is Purple |
Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great. You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a partner who sees your vision and adopts it as their own. Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician. |
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Q: What musical instrument should you play?
You Should Play the Piano |
You are a true music aficionado who loves many musical style and eras. You find music to be an escape. And you'd like to be relaxed and comfortable when you're making it. You're very innovative, and you have a unique way of knowing what may sound beautiful. There's a strong possibility that you could compose some of your own work songs quite easily. While you have a lot of creative energy, you are also serious and conscientious. Your musical talent needs time, practice, and lots of privacy to flourish. Your dominant personality characteristic: your painstaking attention to detail Your secondary personality characteristic: your natural tendency to be whimsical |
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Quiz: What's your Dosha?
Your Dosha is Pitta |
You have a quick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor. You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader. Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways. But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical. With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you In love: You are picky but passionate To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight. |
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Quiz: What number are you?
You Are 4: The Individualist |
You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself. You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable. You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt. Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel. At Your Best: You are inspired, artistic, and introspective. You know what you're thinking, and you can communicate it well. At Your Worst: You are melancholy, alienated, and withdrawn. Your Fixation: Envy Your Primary Fear: To have no identity Your Primary Desire: To find yourself Other Number 4's: Alanis Morisette, Johnny Depp, J.D. Salinger, Jim Morrison, and Anne Rice. |
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Quiz: What's your personality type?
You Are An ENFJ |
The Giver You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed. Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections. Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down. You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine. In love, you are very protective and supporting. However, you do need to "feel special" - and it's quite easy for you to get jealous. At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential. You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive When other people don't get you, they see you as: Bossy, inappropriate, and loud |
Quiz: Are you a hypochondriac?
You Are 36% Hypochondriac |
You can deal well with being sick - even if your symptoms are a little scary. You're occasionally prone to worry about your health, but only when you have pretty strange symptoms. |
Quiz: How lis your self esteem?
You Have Low Self Esteem 64% of the Time |
You tend to blame yourself when things go wrong, regardless of whether it's your fault or not. You're anxious to please others and rely too much on their opinions. Learn to please yourself first, and your confidence will soar. |
Quiz: How's your body image?
Your Body Image is 52% Unhealthy, 48% Healthy |
You may think you have a normal body image, but you definitely don't. While you may not have a serious problem, you obsess over your looks way too much. |
Quiz: Are you masculine or feminine?
You Are 75% Feminine, 25% Masculine |
You are in touch with your feminine side. Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you. And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women. |
Quiz: How logical are you?
You Are Pretty Logical |
You're a bit of a wizard when it comes to logic While you don't have perfect logic, you logic is pretty darn good Keep at it - you've got a lot of natural talent in this area! |
Quiz: Are you disturbingly profound or profoundly disturbing?
You Are Disturbingly Profound |
You're contemplative, thoughtful, and very intense. Taking time to figure out the meaning of life is a priority for you. Because you're so introspective, you often react in ways that surprise people. No one can really understand how you are on the inside... and that disturbs them. |
Quiz: Are you virtuous?
You Are Mostly Virtuous |
You are a good person, or at least as good as you can be. You try to do the right thing, and you have ended up with many virtues. While you are virtuous, you aren't a saint. There's definitely a bit of devilishness deep in your heart! Where You Are Virtuous You have the virtue of Justice. You treat other people fairly, even when you don't feel like it. You have the virtue of Sincerity. You are not deceitful, and you always have the best intentions. You have the virtue of Industry. You know how to do what's useful and avoid time wasters. Where You Are Not Virtuous You lack the virtue of Chastity. You aren't guarded when it comes to intimacy. You lack the virtue of Temperance. You eat and drink enough to harm yourself. You lack the virtue of Resolution. You often don't follow through with things you know you must do. |
Monday, April 7, 2008
Quiz: Are you extremely sensitive?
Your Sensitivity Score: 74% |
You are a highly sensitive person. Pretty much everything effects you. You are tuned into the vibe around you, and someone's bad mood can bring you down. But you also easily share in someone's joy - whether you know them or not. |
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Quiz: What should you be when you grow up?
You Should Be a Doctor |
You are practical, sharp, and very intuitive. Optimistic and energetic, you are a problem solver who doesn't get discouraged easily. You are also quite compassionate and caring. You make people feel hopeful. You're highly adaptable and capable. You do well with almost any curve ball life throws at you. You do best when you: - Are always learning new subjects - Use your knowledge to solve problems You would also be a good therapist or detective. |
Quiz: How rare is your personality?
Your Personality is the Rarest (INFJ) |
Your personality type is introspective, principled, self critical, and sensitive. Only about 2% of all people have your personality - including 3% of all women and around 1% of all men. You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. [ well, good thing I'm a freak] |
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Quiz: What kind of pie are you?
You Are Lemon Meringue Pie |
You're the perfect combo of sassy and sweet. You always know how to brighten someone's mood, but you're not overly sappy. In fact, you can be a bit too honest at times. And most people find that refreshing. While you're always true to yourself, you keep things light. That's how people are able to stomach your slightly bitter outlook. Those who like you have well refined tastes. You're complicated - and let's face it - a true enigma. You enjoy defying expectations, and there are many layers to your personality. There's not one easy way to define you. |
Quiz: Are you immature?
You Are Very Mature |
Even though you may not always feel like it, you're a full fledged adult. And while everyone should be as mature as you, most people aren't! |
Quiz: What color should your eyes be?
Your Eyes Should Be Gray |
Your eyes reflect: Intensity and drive What's hidden behind your eyes: A sensitive soul |
Friday, April 4, 2008
Quiz: Are you a snobby girl?
You Are A Little Snobby |
And being a little snobby every once and a while is totally allowed. Because if no one was ever snobby, no one would ever try to dress up or look pretty. And while you do enjoy the finest things in life (that you can afford), you tire of superficiality. You know there's more to life than what's just on the surface. |
Quiz: What planet are you from?
You Are From Pluto |
You are a dark, mysterious soul, full of magic and the secrets of the universe. You can get the scoop on anything, but you keep your own secrets locked in your heart. You love change and you use it to your advantage, whether by choice or chance. You don't like to compromise, to the point of being self-destructive with your stubborness. Live life with love, and your deep powers will open the world to you. |
Quiz: The 100 question purity test/ How pure are you?
You Are 66% Pure |
You're pretty pure, and you have no plans on changing that. You do have a devilish side though... and it will probably get the better of you. |
Quiz: Are you romantic or realistic?
You Are A Romantic |
You live your life like a fairy tale... or at least you try to. Living for magical moments, you believe there's only one true love for you. Love is the most important thing in your life, and you don't take it for granted. Your perfect match loves to be in love as much as you do! |
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Quiz: What is your life path number?
Your Life Path Number is 8 |
Your purpose in life is to help others succeed You are both a natural leader and a natural success. You are also a great judge of character. You have a head for business and finance. You know how to make money. A great visionary, you can see gold where other people see nothing. In love, you are very generous - with gifts, time, and guidance. You love to inspire people, but it can be frustrating when they don't understand your vision. Great success comes easily for you. But so does great failure, as you are very reckless. You are confident, and sometimes this confidence borders on arrogance. |
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