Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Q: The Rose Test

You Believe that Love is Mysterious

When you think of love, you think of what could be possible in the future.

In love, you see things as they are. You accept and love your partner's faults.

If you are in love, you want the whole world to know it. You don't hold back with letting people know.

You are patient in love. You are willing to wait for the right person and the right time.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Q: What Vitamin Are You?

You Are Vitamin C

You are responsible and good at taking care of yourself. Your health comes first.

As far as you're concerned, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

It's likely you eat well, exercise frequently, and avoid stress.

And because of this, you're quite healthy and free from illness.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Q: What Kind of Fast Food Are You?

You Are Pizza

You are friendly, popular, and outgoing. You find it easy to get along with anyone.

You can be casual and carefree or fancy and upscale. You fit in anywhere.

You are a giving person, and you love to share. Sharing comes naturally to you.

You always liven up a party and attract a big crowd. There's just something about you that people love!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Q: Is Your Life Boring?

You Live an Interesting Life

You may not live the most exciting life, but you're actually pretty fascinating.

You keep busy and active. You try to enjoy life at every turn.

If you feel like things have gotten a bit boring lately, you may need to shake it up a bit.

Try visiting a new place, eating a new type of food, or listening to some new music. Novelty makes for a more interesting life!

Q: Are You a Dreamer or a Doer?

You Are a Dreamer

You are primarily concerned with possibilities. You tend to be a fanciful person.

All of the world's opportunities sometimes overwhelm you.

You are obsessed with ideas and tend to be a big thinker. Theories interest you greatly.

You crave intellectual stimulation. You are drawn to a philosophical way of life.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Q: Who Do You Want to Impress?

You Want to Impress Strangers

You want strangers to think you're attractive. You want to be seen as gorgeous and sexy.

You want your friends and family members to think you're smart. You like been seen as insightful and wise.

You are at your most playful when you are around people you don't know well. You're more serious around those you're close to.

You have no problem letting strangers see the real you. You are upfront about who you are.

You don't become close to many people. You only let people you've gotten to know very well in.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Q: What Class Are You?

You Are Upper Class

Class isn't always about money, and you've at least got the brains, manners, and interests of an upper class person.

You don't have a trashy bone in your body, and you don't pretend to be someone you're not.

You're comfortable with your station in life, and class issues don't really bother you.

The finest things in life are within your reach, and you're comfortable enjoying them.

You may end up: A business leader, corporate lawyer, or philanthropist

Other people who share your class: Bill Gates, Oprah, former world leaders like Bill Clinton, and those reclusive billionaires no one ever talks about.

Q: Are You Stylish?

You Are Stylish

You look good, but you aren't trendy or over the top about it.

There's a good chance you know what works for you. You have an established look.

You know how to dress well, but you may have trouble breaking out of your comfort zone.

Try a new color or new accessory. Staying stylish is about trying new things and taking risks.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Avé Lei do Tabaco. Contudo...

Concordo muito com a lei. Não fumo, e não quero; mas no entanto, dantes era obrigada a inalar o fumo que os «senhores fumadores» expeliam, e a minha bronquite asmática se agravou bastante. Quem me diz idioticamente: 'quem está mal, mude-se', está muito bem enganado. Quem é aquele que está mal é o fumador, não eu.
Ora, eu mudava de sitio, evitava fumadores, mas como há tantos que se espalham como bem querem (casa de banho, rua, lojas, predios, etc), estava diariamente subjugada a lhes respirar a porcaria. E ainda estou.

Agora que não podem fumar dentro de espaços fechados publicos (GRAÇAS A DEUS), eles vêm para a rua fumar. T-o-d-o-s eles vão à rua fumar - são 5 em 10 pessoas. Imagine eu, na paragem, a tentar evitar o fumo, mas não conseguindo. Ainda por cima, tenho que guardar meu lugar na fila para a entrada do autocarro. Se eu quero apanhar o autocarro, ou me submeto a perdê-lo (porque me afastei muito da paragem), ou me submeto a morrer de cancro de pulmão porque certas pessoas querem ter a sua dose de nicotina pela manhã, tarde, noite, madrugada..
Vejo que os meus olhares odiosos ao fumador de lado não o afectam, mas ele sabe muito bem que lhe estou a pedir para 'meter a beata no cu e apagá-la'.

Não só são os fumadores passivos grandes vítimas, morrem todos os anos milhares, mas também não têm sítio onde descansar. Têm que suportar o fumo no cabelo, nas roupas, nos pulmões e pele irritada.
Sabia que 15% do aumento do aquecimento global é devido aos fumadores? Ah, pois, isto não é só reciclagem que ajuda o planeta, mas também a diminuição - se não que a extinção - dos fumadores. Se parassem de fumar, não só faria bem a eles próprios, como dispensariam contas nos hospitais quando ficarem estendidos numa cama com uma máquina na garganta que respira por eles, e mais: é bom para a carteira (bastante. Um fumador activo é capaz de gastar 50 euros por mês nos seu maços), é bom para o planeta, e é bom para NÓS que temos de sofrer para que eles se sintam comfortáveis quando inalam a porra do fumo para o cérebro.

Mais me irrita, sinceramente, é que sempre que pedimos delicadamente a alguém para apagar o cigarro, eles olham para nós com uns olhos odiosos como se lhe acabassemos de dizer que 'o seu filho de 12 levou no cu de meu pai e gostou'. Depois também temos os que se riem e nos chamam de fracos por não aguentarmos um 'pouco de fuminho'. Errado. Quem é fraco são eles: deixaram-se levar pelos anúncios e manipulação das empresas para comprarem os L&M ou outras marcas porque são as «mais saudaveis do mercado», fumam apesar de todos os avisos e provas de que gente morre de cancro por causa do tabaco, e não conseguem depois largar o vício da nicotina.

Mais facilmente: que se fodam todos. Se querem morrer, morram sozinhos. Não me involvam a mim, não me obriguem a morrer com vocês.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Q: What Big Cat Are You?

You Are a Jaguar

You have a knack for reforming, balancing, and even healing people.

You see the good in everyone, and you help bad people learn to be better.

Even though you connect to people, you can't help but feel separate from everyone else.

You often feel like you are on the outside looking in, even with your closest family members and friends.

Q: What Big Cat Are You?

You Are a Lynx

You are a quiet observer of the world around you. Your wisdom comes from listening carefully.

You've always been extra sensitive and aware. And it's made it difficult for you to fit in.

You see past people's outward personas. You are able to penetrate a stranger's soul.

What you've learned about people is both beautiful and ugly. And you keep these secrets to yourself.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Q: How Old Is Your Body?

Your Body is 16 Years Old

Your body is younger than it should be. Congratulations!

You're taking good care of yourself, and it's definitely paying off.

Whether it's by accident or by choice, you're living a very healthy lifestyle.

Keep it up, and you're likely to live a long, vibrant life.

Love me inside

Tenho pele como tu, tenho olhos como tu, tenho lábios como tu, tenho cabelo como tu, tenho pescoço como tu, tenho braços e mãos como tu, tenho pernas como tu, tenho pés como tu.

Por isso diz-me, porque é que, sendo nós tão idênticos, só olhas para o que tenho fora?
Sou diferente de ti por dentro, é para lá que deviam todos olhar.

Q: Are You A Sociopath?

You Are 40% Sociopath

From time to time, you may be a bit troubled and a bit too charming for your own good.

It's likely that you're not a sociopath... just quite smart and a bit out of the mainstream!

Q: How Do You Think?

You Think Creatively

Your brain works best when you let your intuition be your guide.

You like to imagine, speculate, and fantasize. You have fun playing with ideas.

You are interested in theories. You enjoy studying and developing them.

You are drawn toward art, philosophy, and even math. Almost every subject is interesting to you.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Q: How Big Is Your Ego?

Your Ego is Large

You're quite happy with yourself. You can't help but have a big ego.

You admit that there may be other superstars in the world, but you haven't met any.

You tend to be the brightest one in the room, and you can't help but get a big head from it.

Just remember that even if people know how great you are, they don't always need to be reminded of it!

Q: What Herb Are You?

You Are Basil

You are a mild mannered person. People feel naturally calm around you.

You are warm hearted and loving. You have a close knit circle of friends and family.

You have the courage to be who you are in life, even if others disagree. You're proud of your uniqueness.

You are good at caring for and healing others. You are naturally soothing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Q: What Color Car Should You Drive?

You Should Drive a Blue Car

You're the type of driver who isn't hung up on the what car you drive.

You don't need a flashy car to show off your wealth or style.

Instead, you go for value and reliability. You're quite practical.

You're a great driver, but you don't show off. Part of your skill is not standing out on the road.

Q: What Remote Button Are You?

You Are Pause

Compared to most people, you are reflective and thoughtful.

You're always willing to take a break and digest everything that's happened.

You are patient with life. You are happy to sit back and let things unfold.

You're not in a hurry. You're content to take things at someone else's pace.